It’s in the face of mass isolation, when the expression of transnational solidarity makes the most sense, thus, when DiEM25 action is most needed. A few days ago our own interactive TV was born: a simple, but radical online program of talks, analysis, concrete proposals, fun, and hope.

DiEM25 TV has succeeded to recreate a new public space that is not only offering sharp analysis and concrete proposals of how to cope with the current global crisis and how to build a "World After Coronavirus": we also created a space of transnational friendship that will last.

DiEM25 TV’s trial has proven there’s indeed a need in these crazy times of isolation for an interactive TV - but if we now want to make it last longer and have it reach out to more isolated people across Europe we must rise to the challenge.

Could you help our interactive TV experiment reach out further? A few euros will go a long way.

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