Support us with a donation for our legal case!
On February 18, 2025, despite massive repression, we succeeded: our event “Palestine, Law, and the Power of Truth” with UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese took place. But the price was high: our visitors had to endure a shocking police presence – not only around the venue. Even inside the hall, uniformed police officers in tactical gear and with camera equipment were present throughout the entire event. Their goal? To intimidate us and silence us.
But this attempt failed – thanks to your solidarity. Now we’re taking the next step: we’re taking the Berlin police to court! Because we believe their actions were unlawful, and we will not leave this attack on freedom of speech and assembly unanswered.
Please support us with a donation!
Why are we filing a lawsuit?
The political pressure on our event was immense. So intense that our original venue, Kühlhaus Berlin, withdrew the space on the very day of the event. Thanks to the publishing house of junge Welt, we were able to find a last-minute alternative – but with significantly fewer seats. The Berlin police insisted on being present inside the venue. Their heavy police presence took up more space, intimidated guests, and deterred many from attending at all.
This police presence was not only unnecessary – it was unlawful. The Berlin Freedom of Assembly Act (VersFG BE) allows police presence in closed spaces only if there is an immediate danger to life and limb, or if there is certainty that criminal acts are to be expected. The police themselves stated they did not anticipate a violent outcome.
So their presence served one purpose only: intimidation – an attack on vibrant political debate and grassroots democratic participation.
Our lawsuit – your contribution to defending democracy!
Our legal case aims to have the police presence declared unlawful. We want to prevent police intimidation from becoming the norm at political events. Because as the German Federal Constitutional Court ruled back in 1983:
“Anyone who expects, for example, that participation in a demonstration or a citizens’ initiative will be officially registered and that this could result in risks may refrain from exercising their constitutional rights.”
We won’t allow that! Support our lawsuit with your donation and help us legally stop this attack on the freedom of assembly!
Material and coordination for our thousands of volunteers across Europe and beyond.
Other political movements and parties have hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of employees. DiEM25 has about 15 staff (some full time and others part-time) to support a wide variety of projects across Europe, making your donation a great investment in a highly efficient, not-for-profit organisation.
DiEM25 gets no corporate money, no public funds or government grants of any kind – we depend exclusively on small, individual donations.
Please contact us at if you wish to discuss other ways to contribute or payment methods.
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