Our new Provisional National Collective (PNC) for Greece (2021) - Votación de los miembros de DiEM25

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Our new Provisional National Collective (PNC) for Greece (2021)





An important step to further develop our movement in Greece, is the establishment of a new national coordination body. We did not meet the requirement of three candidates per position for the National Collective elections, as per the recent all-member vote regarding DiEM25's NC election process. We therefore went forward with the appointment of a Provisional National Collective (PNC) for Greece and now ask you to approve the list that was put together, as shown below.

The candidates below participated in short interviews "in order to ensure that candidates are indeed well-informed and understand both the movement’s ideals, procedures, policies and political positions, as well as the requirements in terms of time and availability." The following PNC list for Greece will be decided by you in this All Member Vote. The list was put together in a coordinated effort by Cooridinating Collective and Validating Council members who conducted interviews with all candidates.

We thank everyone who helped with the interview process or put forward a candidacy. It is our common effort that will make a difference!

Here is the list of 10 members the CC proposes to form the PNC:

Anna Andreadi female (Link to member profile)

Dimitris Gartsios male (Link to member profile)

Diomides Skalistis male (Link to member profile)

Dominique Mathiou female (Link to member profile)

Evi Gatou female (Link to member profile)

Geórgios Bráchos male (Link to member profile)

John Smirlis male (Link to member profile)

Konstantina Katmada female (Link to member profile)

Vangelis Kateris male (Link to member profile)

Venita Linardou female


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