Campaign Accelerator Form

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Campaign Accelerator Form

Campaign Accelerator is our incubator for grassroots activism. Read more about this programme here.

Here's how it works: You tell us about a local issue that’s making you mad. If we select your issue, we’ll help you build a campaign to tackle it. You execute the plan and remain in control of your campaign at all times.

Are you up to the challenge? Let’s do this! Fill out the form below. It will be open until Monday, November 1, by the end of the day.

To be eligible, submissions should be from individuals — not campaigns that are already running and organised. And please write it in English only. If you want to simplify it, use Hemingway.

We may call on you for a quick chat to discuss your suggestions, so watch your email (and spam folder) :)


Pick an issue you could win in the short term. Write it so simply your grandmother could understand it! If you can include a few links to news stories as ‘evidence’, it’ll be stronger. Here's an example from a previous winning submission:

"The cliffs of Ponta da Piedade in Algarve, Portugal are one of the region’s best known natural attractions. But now, a large part of this land, both public and private, has been fenced off by private interests who are seeking to develop it. This would destroy the beauty of Ponta da Piedade, and block access to public visitors."

What does ‘winning’ this issue look like (in terms of improving people’s lives)? Here's an example from a previous winning submission:

"The public parts of the Ponta Da Piedade cliffs are freely accessible to all. The local community helps decide what happens with the land in Ponta Da Piedade that is being targeted by private interests."

Don’t worry if you haven’t fully thought about these yet -- just sketch them out.

Thank you!