Člani DiEM25 so se kolektivno odločili o tem vprašanju. Postani član, da bi bil/a upravičen/a do naslednjega glasovanja!
Six months after the inauguration of MeRA25, and following a period of consultation with Greek citizens whom we met in person, in venues and on our site, DiEMers across Europe are now being called to play an active role in finalising MeRA25’s electoral program. This is a remarkable moment. Think about it: DiEM25 is developing transnational democracy for the first time in Europe’s history, indeed globally. We are all (Germans, Greeks, Italians, Brits, Portuguese, Irish etc.) shaping, together, the electoral program of our Greek electoral wing. It is a moment to savour independent of the outcome: DiEM25 is trailblazing.
This is an active vote. It is not just a YES/NO plebiscite on MeRA25’s electoral program. The MeRA25 Political Secretariat has identified five areas that are controversial in Greek society, on issues of education, drugs, oil & gas extraction, Macedonia and military service. Separate votes have been set up for these, and the program will be amended accordingly.
Please read the complete document and then cast your vote:
MeRA25 electoral program in Greek English translation by Erik Edman