

DiEM25 currently has more than 163000 members in more than 195 countries and territories. Here are some of them.


Human Rights, Internationalism and e-Democracy.

‐ Brieuc-Yves (Mellouki) Cadat-Lampe, active citizen from Amsterdam #CityMakers

The European idea has been hijacked by technocratic powers that have little accountability to the people of Europe. We need to re-establish the idea of a Europe of people, rather than a mere monetary and economic block.

‐ Luca Budello, grassroots activist

Estamos viviendo una serie de crisis que implican quees clave la solidarid más allá de las fronteras del estado nación. No solo reformar sino transformar a Europa ya es una necesidad, y trabajar con otros mediante DiEM25 ofrece esa oportunidad.

‐ Nick Morgan

DIEM25 is important to me because it makes me feel comfortable and in good company in the daily battle for a more egalitarian world.

‐ Furio Barzon, grassroots activist

The dream of a Europe unit, as suggested by Spinelli, Schuman, Adenauer, De Gasperi and the other founding fathers can not and must not be broken. We are living difficult times but right now we have to rediscover the value of being together.

‐ CARLO ALBANESE,I am a doctor of economics, active on environmental issues and the green economy

I am an experienced farmer. Agriculture and food production & delivery policies are critical for both the environment and human health. Farmers and consumers must have a voice in Europe. We need to raise awareness in Europe. We need a new food plan.

‐ Suzanne Alexander, attivista di base
