2024 European Elections - Electoral Approach for MERA25 Italy - Hlasování členů DiEM25

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2024 European Elections - Electoral Approach for MERA25 Italy





As called forth by our Member approved pan-European strategy, MERA25 Italy has focused its efforts on building a political platform for the upcoming European elections. Together with progressive forces, they have successfully gathered the signatures required to compete under the joint list: Peace Earth Dignity 

MERA25 Italy has been instrumental in developing the political programme that forms the basis of the joint list. It concentrates on the most urgent tasks of our time: reversing climate catastrophe, ending warmongering, abolishing austerity and eliminating inequality. The detailed programme is available here in English and here in Italian

Four MERA25 Italy candidates are part of the joint list: 

Note: Italy has a preferential voting system and lists are published in alphabetical order.

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