Keir Starmer, resign now!

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Keir Starmer, resign now!

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>> Keir Starmer, resign now!

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We call on Keir Starmer to resign after his failure to consistently oppose war crimes, and after delaying his call for a ceasefire in Gaza despite over 11,000 Palestinians being killed, including thousands of children. 

Dozens of Labour councillors and shadow ministers have quit over Starmer’s position on Gaza and his apparent support for Israeli war crimes in a now infamous interview. However, we believe it is Starmer who must step down after working against — for more than 5 weeks — a ceasefire that would save countless lives. Worse still, he has pressurised all Labour MPs to do the same, joining the Conservative government in facilitating what senior UN figures, Jewish civil society groups, Palestinian human rights organisations, and 800 scholars of international law are calling genocide. 

A politician who refuses to actively oppose war crimes is not fit to lead the Labour Party.