Soutenez le DiEM25's budget de DiEM25

Help keep DiEM25’s struggle across Europe going!

We urgently need your support to keep the lights on and continue to make our stand against the oligarchs, the fascists, and the enemies of democracy!

And this is because DiEM25 is 10,000 euros short of covering its monthly budget.

Like many other organisations have experienced since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, DiEM25 has suffered an abrupt drop in donations. Unlike most organisations, however, our movement only receives money from individual supporters like you – we receive no grants, no government subsidies, and no gifts from corporate sponsors. Our ability to confront the establishment without compromising our principles is largely due to our no-strings-attached funding model.

And we’re doing everything we can to adapt to this situation by cutting down expenses and making tough budgeting decisions. Despite our best efforts, however, we’re facing difficulties organising events, deploying campaigns, and arranging activist workshops. Unless we’re able to increase our funding, we may soon have to let some of our hard-working team members go.

Can you please contribute to our monthly budget by committing to a recurring donation so DiEM25 can keep fighting?

We’re at a crossroads. Whatever you can give will make a huge difference in keeping our struggle across Europe going.


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