Growing DiEM25 as a Network - A DiEM25 szavazási eredményei

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Growing DiEM25 as a Network





At the Prague Assembly, members discussed, amended and approved the following proposal (among others) to improve DiEM25’s work and its potential in the coming year. Please evaluate it carefully, especially the amendments compared to the pre-Prague version (highlighted in green), and decide whether this is something DiEM25 should invest its limited energy into.


Growing DiEM25 as a network

Area: Growing our Support (expanding our membership and DSC numbers; expanding partnerships with other organisations and the media; better engaging with members)


Europe is disintegrating in front of our eyes, the division among nations widens more and more every day, people are gripped by poverty, fear and despair, and nationalisms, xenophobia, and fascism are resurrected. Many political movements and social struggles have arisen to face specific aspects of this threat, and lately to face the even more terrifying threat of climate catastrophe and the extinction of humankind. Instead, we all choose to engage in DiEM25 because we were aware that the only answer to these looming catastrophes is a comprehensive political proposal at the European and International levels and we built this answer in the form of our political Manifesto, our Progressive Agenda, and the GNDE.

We believe that the key to push forward this comprehensive political proposal is to join forces across borders, empower members and enhance the role of the DSCs as fundamental nucleuses of the network through which DiEM25 acts as a transnational aggregator of ideas, political practices and actions throughout Europe. We should encourage members and DSCs to promote and propose coordinated campaigns on each of our Agenda multiple facets among those people and movements sharing them. DiEM25 must become the force that connects political struggles and objectives at the European level, providing a common frame and a common meaning. Only in this way DiEM25 can build visibility and strength and conquer on the field the credibility that leftist parties have lost: this, and not some flimsy alliance with parties or “movements” with no other reason for being than running in elections, shall make DiEM25 able to represent (in ballots and in the streets) our much needed "There Is An Alternative".

How will this proposal help DiEM25 achieve its goals?

By creating connections and alliances about our and proposals, thus spreading the ideas of our Manifesto, Progressive Agenda and GNDE and enhancing DiEM25 visibility

How will your proposal be implemented (timeline and steps)?

As the steps presented here form the basic methodology for any DiEM member or body (and for the growth and success of the movement), this proposal will serve as a toolkit – shared on the DiEM education platform – and in the welcome pack made available to every member.

Before initiating local collaborations, members / relevant DiEM body will do all research necessary (mapping, reading, scoping meetings, &c.) to plan the initiative properly.

1: create synapsis (3 months)

Implement across EU and beyond connections among members and DSCs interested in campaigning about specific themes (e.g. : climate change, Assange, technological sovereignty, universal dividend, rebel cities, transparency)

Build partnerships: encourage members and DSCs to form alliances connections with people and movements that want to activate on these specific themes.

Build partnerships with activists and movements on popular online platforms (since use of Youtube was voted down on the explore proposal).

2. step: activate synapsis (from 4th month onwards)

Launch through these synapsis campaigns on specific themes that are coordinated at a European level

- launch a call for activation on one specific theme (Ideally, focus on one theme each month)

- ask specific AP members to publish articles or statements on that theme

- publish on newspapers and our website and social media articles and statements

- produce materials and templates through the thematic network

Map local resources and needs, and base our proposals on them.

3: evaluation (after each campaign)

Evaluate the first campaign implemented this way, by measuring

- number of events implemented

- number of contacts on our website

- number of articles published

- number of new members

- collecting opinions, criticisms and suggestions by those who implemented the campaign

Dissemination and Feedback: Give back to all members the outcomes of Section 3 and seek / invite the feedback and input for Section 4.

4. improve process on the basis of evaluation, repeat

You will know your proposal has succeeded when:

- we launch our first campaign organised this way

- this campaign succeeds in terms of number of events, contacts, etc. (see evaluation, step 3) 


Should DiEM25 invest energy and resources into this? 

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