José Aurelio Gálvez Suárez


Coordinator of Oslo Collective

Empowering Europe and its people will not be achieved by legislating only. Power lies also in geopolitical leverage achieved by creating or enhancing institutions, products and technology that provide real power and that will allows us to become truly independent from external actors. We need to develop the means to real power, eg., fair technology so we do not have to rely on corporations like Google, Amazon or Meta that have shown themselves to be more powerful than our laws and democratic institutions. We need a green industrial revolution. We need to stand up against militarism and walk towards military independency so that we are not obliged to comply with oligarchic governments and their anti-humanistic values whenever they decide we need to go to war.

People across Europe are losing sense of collectiveness due to a decline in standard of living which pushes them out of their perceived social cohort. This sense of loss of belonging and consequent isolation has been proven to radicalize people. This is what is giving us the rise of nationalistic ideas as it gives people back a feeling of belonging. DiEM must provide an alternative. By focusing on mobilizing to convince people of the power in the collective action to restore their standard of living and sense of collectiveness based on humanistic values, rather than nationalistic, we can do this.