2024 UK General Election - Avstemninger blant medlemmer av DiEM25

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2024 UK General Election





This UK general election is nothing like the previous one in 2019. Back then, five long years ago, the British establishment faced a genuine threat: the prospect of a Corbyn-led government that would face down the UK’s oligarchs on behalf of the many. It was a prospect that DiEM25 welcomed with a wholehearted ‘Vote Labour’ (plus the Green Party’s Caroline Lucas in Brighton) recommendation to our members and friends. 

Since then, everything that made the Labour Party a beacon of hope has been trashed by its new leader, Keir Starmer, who has turned the Labour Party into another Nasty Tory Party competing for the endorsement of the same oligarchs, genocide supporters and media magnates that have happily sponsored the original Tories. Consequently, in the general election of 4th July 2024 DiEM25 is recommending a vote for Independents (including Jeremy Corbyn and Andrew Feinstein), the Green Party and regional parties against the Tories of Sunak and Starmer.

Our stance did not change just due to Starmer’s McCarthyist methods against comrades like Jeremy Corbyn, Ken Loach, Faiza Shaheen, Diane Abbott and thousands of others. Their appalling treatment is merely a symptom of Labour’s conversion, under Starmer, into the epitome of class collaboration. 

Far from being a strong opposition to Tory austerity policies, its politics has morphed to mirror that of the Conservative government. Labour has embraced privatisation, supported increased military spending, reneged on the defence of the rights and protection of refugees and given no support to strikers in rail, education, public services and the NHS. It has dropped policies on green energy and environmental protection, while embracing austerity. It even goes along with Israel’s genocidal war against the Palestinians and suppresses pro-Palestinian voices within the party, proving that authoritarianism and militarism are two sides of the same coin.

Motion to be voted for by DiEM25 members:

In the 4th July UK general election, DiEM25 recommends to its Members and supporters to vote:

  • For Jeremy Corbyn, who has remained a staunch defender of the principles DiEM25 is standing for across Europe - and who has supported DiEM25 for many years

  • For Andrew Feinstein, a true progressive who is bravely running against Starmer in his own constituency

  • For those that have endorsed the 5 demands of the Peace and Justice project: Shanell Johnson, Fiona Lali, Jabu Nala-Hartley, Sean Halsall, Anne San, Tahir Mirza, Leanne Mohamad, Tanushka Marah, Claudia Webbe, Pamela Fitzpatrick, Kamel Hawwash, Sam Gorst, Ammar Waraich, Mohammad Hafeez and many more as listed by the Collective 

  • For other comrades expelled or demonised by Starmer’s Labour members who will run in their constituencies: Faiza Shaheen, Diane Abbott

  • For the Green Party, the SNP or Sinn Féin in every other constituency - hoping that your vote will serve as a wake-up call to Labour’s remaining members.

Do you approve of this motion? 

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