
DiEM25 activists in Ulster on-street info table on Sunday 5 June


On Sunday 5th June DiEM25 activists from east Donegal will have an info table in Coalisland county Tyrone to share ideas and viewpoints on; 

The DiEM25 vision of a deep democracy spreading into the corporate system, our economy, our local councils, our parliaments and all our institutions.

Communities fighting back against toxic mining in Ulster and elsewhere. 

Peace via a people's diplomacy to end wars in Ukraine and other parts of the world. 

Recent DiEM25 all member votes for a New Non-Aligned Movement; for abolition of pharmaceutical patents across the EU; for the establishment of a Socialised European Green Energy Union. 

DiEM25 member's correspondence to Irish Government Ministers telling them to stop supporting EU greenwashing measures to label nuclear and gas as green energy. 

Free Assange campaign.

Please come to visit us at our table in Coalisland town centre, where the Tyrone trad music Fleadh is happening. We'll be set up from 1pm to 2.30pm and would be glad to see you for a conversation on the necessity of bringing about much needed change for the benefit of the many 

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05/06/2022 @ 08:00 EST
Coalisland, county Tyrone @ , Irlandia
George Hill and Adrian MacFhearraigh Contact
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Coalisland, county Tyrone