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Paris Collective

Grupo de ativistas DiEM25 em Paris, França

Membros (54)

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Réunion Mensuelle DiEM France

Cet événement est l’occasion pour les membres de DiEM25 de se retrouver une fois par mo...

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Réunion Mensuelle DiEM France

Cet événement est l’occasion pour les membres de DiEM25 de se retrouver une fois par mo...

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Grupos Locais em Ação

DiEM25 joins Free Assange Committee Belgium to protest for Julian’s freedom

Brussels played host to Assange's 51st birthday ‘celebrations’ which were used as an opportunity to call for his release

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DiEM25 local groups took to the streets on July 3 to demand Assange’s freedom

On July 3 DiEMers ffrom all over Europe celebrated Julian Assange's 50th birthday with a coordinated protest action.

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DiEM25 takes to the streets on Julian Assange’s 50th birthday 

To mark the 50th anniversary of Assange, DiEM25 members will take to the streets in front of UK and U.S embassies in several European cities.

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Europe is facing a housing crisis: DiEMers stand up for those left behind

On Housing Action Day, DiEM25 members mobilised in cities such as The Hague, Brussels, Lisbon, Lyon and more to shed light on the housing crisis!

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