Se želite pridružiti skupini in sodelovati? Če ste že član DiEM25, se prijavite. V nasprotnem primeru vas vabimo, da se nam pridružite še danes!
Un pequeño grupo nos reunimos a principios de julio y queremos reactivar el contacto regular, las discusiones y lo que surja, ya sea de manera presencial o en línea
Ali živite v Madrid, Španija? Če želite aktivno sodelovati v tej skupini, Najprej se včlanite v DiEM25.
Encuentro presencial del Colectivo de Madrid para fijarnos los próximos pasos a dar. V...
Več informacijBrussels played host to Assange's 51st birthday ‘celebrations’ which were used as an opportunity to call for his release
Več o temOn July 3 DiEMers ffrom all over Europe celebrated Julian Assange's 50th birthday with a coordinated protest action.
Več o temTo mark the 50th anniversary of Assange, DiEM25 members will take to the streets in front of UK and U.S embassies in several European cities.
Več o temOn Housing Action Day, DiEM25 members mobilised in cities such as The Hague, Brussels, Lisbon, Lyon and more to shed light on the housing crisis!
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