(Greece) Fiscal Transactions System “DIMITRA” - Vota nga anëtarët e DiEM25

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(Greece) Fiscal Transactions System “DIMITRA”





  • MeRA25 aims at the liberation of the people of Greece from debt bondage within the Eurozone

  • A MeRA25 government will legislate its 7+1 Policies agenda including the fiscal transactions system entitled “Dimitra” (more details here)

  • MeRA25 is not proposing an exit from the Eurozone and rejects the idea of a parallel currency. However,

  • MeRA25 will also reject any blackmail of the type: “If you legislate your program, we shall shut the Greek banks again and force you out of the Eurozone.” In that case, a MeRA25 government will legislate its program and, if the ECB shuts down Greece’s banking system again, will convert “Dimitra” into a fully-fledged Greek national currency

  • In any case, inside or outside the Eurozone, under a MeRA25 government there will be no plan for Greece to exit the EU.

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