
DiEM25 TV Goes Local: Climate justice - Voices from local activism


Racism and violence perpetrated against indigenous peoples is not only a legacy of a colonial and violent past but it continues to be a plague and threat to conservation, climate, and environmental justice. Indigenous communities all across are still mostly displaced and marginalized according to the Western assumption that they have little or nothing to contribute to.
On the contrary Indigenous people have critically important knowledge and practices and in fact calls for the integration of Indigenous traditional ecology into mainstream natural management practices are growing.

In this webinar we are calling in indigenous voices to learn from their different but common experiences and draw from and build on their ancestral knowledge.

Discussion program:

Aimema - Colombia
Análisis ambiental y social (AAS) - Colombia
Tere Castellanos FPDTA-MPT Mexico
Atacama, Socaire - Chile

Barbra Boustier - Feminism/Diversity/Disability Taskforce
Stefania Romano - GNDE coordination team

Watch the episode here: https://youtu.be/XusHY2ZJnEo

If you have missed our previous #FemGND episode on a feminist perspective of the Green New Deal, follow the link : https://youtu.be/8n0qjx54raM

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Ne zaman
26/02/2021 @ 15:30 EST
DiEM25 TV Goes Local Contact
Hedef kitle
Herkese açık etkinlik, 100 katılımcıya kadar
Etkinlik tipi
Web Semineri



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