
Palestine demo & signature collection for Mera25 Sweden



on Sunday the 4th there is a pro-Palestine demo in Gustav Adolfs Torg, Gothenburg organised by Enhetsfront för Palestina och Palestinska samordningsgruppen, starting at 13:00. Marc Wihlstrand, chairman of Mera25 Sweden, has been invited to give a speech there.
We will use this opportunity to collect signatures to enable us running for the EP election. We badly need signatures with very little time left, so if you live in the area, please do come by to give us your signature, we will be on location between 11:00 - 15:00. And of course to support Palestinian cause at this hardest of times.

You will be able recognise Marc and me through Diem25 hoodies :)

Tomas of Mera25 Sweden

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Ne zaman
04/02/2024 @ 05:00 - 09:00 EST
Gustaf Adolfs Torg @ Göteborg, İsveç
Enhetsfront för Palestina och Palestinska samordningsgruppen Contact
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Gustaf Adolfs Torg