We are at a turning point

We are at a turning point

This is Yanis Varoufakis with a message to you. I am writing this because we are at a turning point. A crossroads.

There are times when we find ourselves exhausted and disheartened on the brink of hopelessness. Watching the EU's establishment implement the austerity policies that reinforce misanthropic movements in Europe gain ground can be overwhelming. Watching the new Spanish far-right joined by the traditional right in calling the feminist movement, ‘feminazis’. Looking at Italy being governed by strongmen from another era willing to let people die at sea to win their xenophobic credentials. Observing Europe rushing straight into the next economic catastrophe - when most Europeans haven’t recovered from the last one.

But, it’s people like you that are bringing hope back. I’m addressing you because you belong to a growing number who truly understand the need for transformational politics in Europe.

We are many more than you think, and we shall soon reach a critical mass. If we push harder, if we surge forward just before the European elections, we might make the needle move enough to tilt the whole playing field. But to accomplish this we need to be a cohesive force. No one will lend us financial support to pay for the costs of our work in this crucial crossroads - except you and me. Please, help to make our DiEM plan happen. Donate.

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We are at a turning point

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