Radical Change - Programme and statutes for MERA25 Netherlands - Vote by DiEM25 members

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Radical Change - Programme and statutes for MERA25 Netherlands





Here you find the forum discussion on programme and statutes.

DiEM25 takes great pride in ensuring that any political parties it puts forward are based on rigorously researched and assessed programmes as well as founded on the basis of democratic statutes which bind them to our movement, agreed collectively by all members of the movement across Europe and the world. 

After a lot of hard work, discussions and consultations we finalised the statutes and the founding manifesto of MERA25 Netherlands. You can find the statutes here in English and Dutch as well as the manifesto here in English and Dutch. Once the party has been founded, the MERA25 Netherlands team commits to submit the party’s political programmes to DiEM25 for consultation and an eventual All Member Vote, before engaging in any electoral activity in the country.

Do you agree to establish MERA25 Netherlands on the basis of these documents?


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