
DiEM25 TV with Jeremy Scahill: Capitalist Vampires, Coronavirus and the US election

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Jeremy Scahill in conversation with Srećko Horvat (Talk/conversation and Q&A)

Topic: Capitalist Vampires, Coronavirus and the US election

Every evening switch on the television from the future! 

We call it TV because we like retro-futurism. But it's much more than TV. In times of global pandemics, DiEM25 is launching a special online and completely free program to understand the current crisis and offer tools and hope to get out of it stronger and more united in building the World After Coronavirus.

Everyone can join; you don't have to be a DiEM25 member. Please register for the event in order to get a link sent to your email. The registration form also allows you to ask a question to the panelists, suggest next topics and next guests.

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04/04/2020 @ 13:00 - 15:00 EST
DiEM25 Contact
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Διαδικτυακό Σεμινάριο



This discussion will be livestreamed on the DiEM25 Youtube channel. Please ask your questions ahead of the event via the registration form. We will send a link to the livestream to all registered participants ca. half an hour before the start.