(Greece) Turning Medical and Law schools into post-graduate institutions - Vota nga anëtarët e DiEM25

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(Greece) Turning Medical and Law schools into post-graduate institutions





EDUCATION: Converting Greek University Medical and Law Schools into exclusively postgraduate schools

MeRA 25 proposes to convert Medical and Law schools to exclusively postgraduate schools, according to the US and Australian models, with students being obliged to complete another undergraduate program before joining the Medical or Law Schools. The aim is to relieve 18-year-olds from the social pressure of becoming doctors or lawyers just because they were admitted to these schools, and to open up the possibility for other young people, who hadn't been admitted to these schools at 18 years old, to take the place of those who no longer wish to pursue a medical or legal education.

Recommendation of MeRA25 Secretariat and DiEM25 Greece National Collective: YES

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