Update on DiEM25's stance on Brexit – Vote 1

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Update on DiEM25's stance on Brexit – Vote 1





DiEM25's current official stance on Brexit was decided in this and this all-member vote in autumn 2016. With that vote, DiEM25 supported the view that the result of the June 2016 referendum vote to leave the EU should be respected and that debate should concentrate on an outcome (amongst the many possible Brexits) that keeps Britain as close to the EU as possible. In particular, DiEM25 adopted the position that Brexit must be respected but Article 50 should be triggered in order to achieve a Norway-style (EEA) agreement.

With the deadline for Brexit approaching fast (March 2019), time is running out and we are facing either a terrible deal negotiated by Theresa May or a no-deal disaster. In view of this, the UK National Collective and the Coordinating Collective believe that a one-year extension of the two-year period in which Brexit must be concluded (under Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty) is necessary to allow democracy to breathe again.

However, legally speaking, an extension to Article 50 must be agreed to by both London and Brussels. The EU will only agree to a one-year extension if this extra time is requested to consult the people of the UK, either via a general election or a referendum. Giving Prime Minister May more time to continue squabbling within her cabinet does not qualify.

So DiEM25 CC and DIEM25UK NC are proposing to oppose both a Theresa May 'fudge' and a Tory-Trump hard Brexit, and instead to consult the people of the UK by calling for a one-year extension of Article 50 in order to organise a general election. We argue that in such a polarised process, this is the only way to have a full debate in which all options are alive (Mrs May's deal, Hard Brexit, DiEM25's choice of Norway-style Brexit, No Brexit etc.) that can clear the air and settle the issue democratically.

There are two possible versions for a call to Take a Break from Brexit, please read about them here. After you have voted on whether DiEM25 should support such a call at all, you will be asked to choose between version 1 and 2 of the call.

Here is a forum thread where the CC and UK NC explain why we should take a break from Brexit and extend article 50

Here is a forum thread with a counter argument from Angela Ghadery take a break from Brexit? no thanks

Do you think DiEM25 should join the call to Take a Break from Brexit and extend article 50 to allow for the organisation of a general election in the UK?

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