Electoral alliance between DiE and DiB

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Electoral alliance between DiE and DiB





Electoral alliance between DiE and DiB

At their meeting in Paris, the European Spring council welcomed Demokratie in Bewegung (DiB) as a member, on the condition that it would manage to negotiate a cooperation with DiEM25's Germany political party, Demokratie in Europe (DiE). The goal is to only have one joint list representing the European Spring alliance in the European elections 2019 in Germany. 

It was towards this end that the following agreement was negotiated between DiE and DiB. The agreement comprises of the following:

1. Elections 2019

DiB renounces, in favor of DiE, its own list in the European elections and instead adds its resources to strengthen the DiE-list. If members of both groups decide to also run in the parallel elections at the local level, they run as part of DiB. In any case, DiEM25 will support DiB in the following local elections in May 2019 as long as the electoral programs do not run counter to DiEM’s manifesto: Baden-Württemberg, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt and Thüringen.

2. Policy making

The first version of the European Spring programme is being discussed, adapted and expanded for a few more weeks in an open process and by members of all European partners. We will use this programme as a blueprint and framework which will be translated to the German level through an open consultation process with all members (DiEM25 and DiB), coordinated by the board of DiE. The open participation process of DiB (mainly workshops and online collaboration) will be integrated as one of several ways to contribute to our programme, so that people who are not tech-savvy won’t be left behind. In the end all contributions to the programme will be combined.

3. Building the list

We will vote on our candidates for the European parliament in two steps: 1. open primaries on the European level, 2. election assembly of DiE.

In the open primaries candidates apply online with text and video. There will be an open call for candidates – it is not mandatory to be a member of DiE or DiB to apply. All members of all the groups of European Spring can vote on the candidates.

DiE has to hold an election assembly to vote on the list according to the law. In this assembly the voting results of the open primaries will be proposed and voted on.

A soft gender quota will be applied. This means: As long as there are enough female candidates 50% of the places are reserved for them. To ensure a list that represents genders equally the list will be limited to 20 places. This also enables us to focus our attention and resources on a small group of candidates who have a strong backing among the members.

Further suggestions on quotas and other conditions for the voting on our list will be discussed in the European Spring council. If the council does not agree on rules and quotas for all groups involved in the European Spring, we will initiate another all-member vote among DiB and DiEM25 on the conditions for the voting on our common list in Germany.

4. Joint SPV Board

Note for English speakers: SPV is a German kind of association very similar to a political party; the name of DiEM25's SPV is DiE.

To strengthen the cooperation of DiEM25 and DiB on our way towards the European elections, members of DiB are invited to also join DiE (and of course DiEMers are invited to join DiB as well) and also run for a seat on the SPV board.

The board will have 15 members. All members of both organizations vote on the candidates of the board (DiEM25 + DiB)

8 seats on the board are reserved for members of DiE, 4 are reserved for members of DiB and the 3 remaining seats are open for any candidates. In the case of a double membership (i. e. the person is a member of DiEM25 and of DiB) the first membership decides which reserved seat one is eligible for. In case of further dispute the board of DiE decides if the member is eligible for a reserved DiE seat, while the same goes for the board of DiB and their reserved seats.

Soft gender quota will be applied (as it is already in place for the DiE board) 

The board decides on all strategic and political issues (including welcoming new political partners in conjunction with the European Spring partners, media relations, budget)

The board is supported by a number of working groups, tasked with various operations in practical fields (fundraising, campaigning, e.g.)

The SPV Board is responsible for releasing necessary funds from a common campaign war chest.

The members of the board work as equal colleagues and represent the SPV internally and externally.

5. Name

The name shall be “Demokratie in Europa – DiEM25 - DiB”, if no other partners join. The short-form is “DiEM25 - DiB”.

6. European Spring council

Both DiE and DiB will each send one delegate to the European Spring council to represent the common SPV.

7. Code of ethics

DiE and DiB will work on an amendment to the existing code of ethics of the European Spring and propose it to the council. If our proposal is not implemented on the European level, German candidates will sign this amended code of ethics anyway.

8. Further partners

DiE and DiB will continue talking to other progressive parties/forces in Germany about joining the European Spring and supporting the joint SPV.

Based on the above document, please vote for one of the options below:

Option 1: DiE cooperates with DiB under a single SPV and participates in the EU-elections based on the agreement negotiated

Option 2: DiE should not collaborate with DiB. DiE's participation in the European election will be decided once the program and candidates are finalised through another all-member vote

Voting is closed

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