Some decisions transcend the Coordinating Collective’s coordination role. As these decisions will often need to be validated quickly, it will not be possible to mobilise the entire DiEM25 membership to vote within a tight deadline. For this purpose, a Validating Council composed of 100 DiEM25 members selected by sortition from all members is instituted. To learn more about DiEM25’s Validating Council (VC), please visit the movement’s Organising Principles.
According to the new Organising Principles, any DiEM25 member with voting rights (i.e. verified identity, up-to-date membership fee) can be randomly picked for the Validating Council at any time. You do not need to apply anymore.
Følgende personer udgør vores nuværende valideringsråd:
Thomas Abel-Wolf | Tyskland | I am Thomas, 48, and a teacher from Germany. Convinced of the rightness and importance of our movement, I am looking forward to the task. |
Ahmed Ades | Tyskland | Architect and Urban Planner and PhD Candidate in Urban Planning, Design, and Policy. I am a foreign resident of the EU and have been in Europe since 2017, based between Germany and Italy. |
Natalie Agostinis | Tyskland | I am Natalie, 44 years old, from Nuremberg in Germany. I am a technical writer and mother-of-three. I believe that saving the eco system must not mean sacrifice for the many and business as usual for the few. |
Fatima Sultana Awan | Tyskland | |
Manuel Barreiro Baru | Tyskland | Uruguayan-German citizen. Lived and worked in 4 different countries. Trying to make a contribution for a better Europe. |
Liisa Bassett | Danmark | My concern is about the warming of our planet, the destruction of biodiversity, financial inequality, the rise in housing prices in big cities, about the new rise of political extreme right-wing ideology. My professional background is in social work, teaching ethnic minority women into the field of social and health care and working with many local and international projects. I live in Denmark but was born in Finland. |
Emilia Borisova | Malta | Hi everyone! DiEM 25 is my only hope for more people to wake up! I'll be more than glad if I can contribute to this cause even a little bit. |
Alessio Brancaccio | Italien | Hi to all, I'm Dr. Alessio Brancaccio, scientist with a graduate in Science and Technology for Environment at L'Aquila University with a thesis on "The Geoengineering, new methods for counteract Global Warming", a runnerman from June 1997 and an amateur road cyclist from 2008. I like study Ecology, Ecological Systems Analysis, Chemical Physics, Atmospheric Physics, Sun-Earth Physics relationships and Astronomy. I was member of Comitato Mobilità Sostenibile Marsicana, a urban cyclists committee for sustainable mobility in Avezzano Abruzzo region of Italy from 2009 to 2018, now I'm member of Michele Scarponi Foundation of Filottrano in the near Marche region and external collaborator of Al-Rahma Charity Association of Khan Yunis Gaza Strip for help Palestinian people with their important needs and fight for their fundamental human rights. |
Jürgen Brogsitter | Tyskland | |
Louise Brunette | Canada | |
Pablo Cabanes | Spanien | Geographer, apparently blessed by the algorithm. Not very optimistic about the future but convinced we have to fight for it. |
João Caldas | Tyskland | Music teacher from Lisbon. In Struggle, with joy and anger. |
Cassie Callan | Frankrig | |
pascal chastin | Frankrig | Aged 60, I'm the father of 4 young adults. I'm a primary school teacher and was also a sheep breeder in the south of France. I used to be an activist in a french left-wing party (the Party de Gauche). I speek several european languages and I firmly believe in the future of Europe, if it aims at serving its people and not only its business. I'm also an activist in several associations dealing with nature and biodiversity. I accept the honour to become a member of the Validating Council. |
Raluca Chitic | Holland | |
vasco Costa | Portugal | Eu VC, sou artista plástico, operando no campo da cultura, da interação social e da ação direta. A atenção acordada sobre a informação recolhida, desde a rua, literatura contemporânea e na observação direta, sinalizam poderes! Promovendo um activismo! |
Chris Davis | Storbritannien | I recently retired. For the past 30 years I have been a psychiatric social worker and a trade union rep. I have been active in anti-racist and anti-capitalist organisations and campaigns throughout my adult life. |
Denise Demirbas | Tyskland | |
Diedrik De Mits | Belgien | My name is Diedrik, I am an IT Freelancer, with a family, who wants to make a change for the present and the future. |
Yanic Dollhopf | Tyskland | I’m a student of history and political science at the Univeristy of Freiburg, Germany. Together with two friends I founded the local DiEM25 chapter in Freiburg in November 2022. My main interest right now is building connections to local groups in Freiburg to establish DiEM25 as a well-known and growing organization. |
Barbara Edmonds | Frankrig | I am a British citizen now retired, residing in France. I believe passionately in a democratic Europe and endorse the principles of DiEM25. I am a MSc in Policy Studies and hold a professional physiotherapy qualification. |
Tamta “Sasha“ Elbakidze | Tyskland | Hello, I’m Sasha, 33, a Georgian-German based in Berlin. I’m a producer and currently a design student, driven by a belief in equal human rights and liberation for all. |
Raniah El-Naggar | Tyskland | I‘m a german/syrian mother of two, working as a gynaecologist in a hospital in NRW, Germany. My topics of special interest are healthcare, justice, migration and international peace. |
Sandra Eryavuz | Tyskland | I‘m a 38 year old secretary, currently on parental leave for the next 1.5 years. I have a son and my second son will be born soon. We are an international patchwork family and living in southern Germany. |
Jan Feist | Tyskland | I'm honoured to have been chosen by the algorithm - happy to take this role in the VC. |
Mimi Filova | Tyskland | biophysics master's student from Gevgelija, Macedonia. talk to me about the balkans, queer culture, disability politics, online detox and visions of our future |
Leon Filter | Tyskland | |
Roberta Franco | Italien | Hi, I'm Roberta from Milan, Italy. I look forward to give a little help. I have the time and, I hope, the knowledge to do it |
Valentin Fried | Tyskland | I‘m 31, based in Berlin and working in the energy policy sector for the transformation towards renewables. While we are going through a phase of drastic changes, intended and unintended, we must ensure a fair distribution of power and wealth across borders and classes. |
EDOARDO GENTILE | Italien | I'm 54 years old, italian and I'm a neurologist. My political experience began when I was 16 years old in the Italian Communist Party, then in the Communist Refounding Party as a militant and as an elected in my city. From November 2022, when we built the party in Italt, I'm a member of Mera25 Italt. |
Juliette Germain | Belgien | Mother of two young boys, i studied agriculture with the idea to promote fair agricultural policies. I’ve never had the opportunity to work as a legislator but i’m still concerned about how international and european laws can have a deep impact on our daily lives (not only for farmers). I feel these rules could be highly improved, but unfortunately citizens interest sometimes diverges from our leaders goals. I wish all EU citizens could have a better understanding, express their position and be listened, in a truly democratic system. I try to do my part, with the hope that my children would live in a more ethic and fair world. |
Meera Ghani | Belgien | As a muslim immigrant and a woman on colour with disabilities (hence at the intersection of many marginalised identities) I want a Europe that is inclusive -where its democracy is participatory and its justice transformative. |
Pascale Gillet | Belgien | I am a socialist. And I still have hope!... maybe because the new generation cares about the planet and they've understood that we won't survive as a species if we continue in this system of production and exploitation. I'm bilingual French / English, I have both nationalities. I'm learning Chinese. I do hope the EU will change, will get more transparent, more democratic, but I'm not holding my breath. I believe the worst people in the world are those who profit from wars. I think one of the best humans alive is Jeremy Corbyn. |
Creag Hayes | Tyskland | Although originally from the US, I have been living in Europe since 1997, 25 years in Prague, now Berlin. I established the Czech branch of Democrats Abroad in 2004 and chaired the group for 6 years. I joined DiEM25 in 2018. Prior to moving to Prague, I owned and managed two retail bicycle shops in Portland OR. |
Alexander Herz | Tyskland | I am easily convinced by good arguments, but not at all by bad ones. I want to hear both sides of the story and do not accept to exclude people from the debate because someone claims they have property x and are thus excluded. I do not own the truth and I am open to the possibility that I am wrong and expect you to do the same. |
Audrey Hogan | Frankrig | |
Ivana Horvatovic | Tyskland | I am Ivana, 36 years old and live in Hamburg - the Pearl of North Germany. I was born in Croatia but lived all my life here in Germany and see it as my home and wish to make it a safe and welcoming place for anyone in the world, no matter their birthplace, sex, gender, religion or culture. This wish made me join DiEM25/MERA25 and I already try to work with my MERA25 comrades here in Hamburg to make this vision possible. I am honored to support our European-wide movement by joining the Validating Council! Much love and Carpe Diem ❤ |
Lorenzo Huskamp | Tyskland | Student of Cultural Studies, Anthropology, Marxism and Critical Theory. Background in filmmaking. Working experiences in the fields of media, communication, journalism and cultural organisation/curating. Left by heart. German/Italian roots. Convinced European. Pro animal rights. Human after all. |
Lana Joyce | Storbritannien | I am an Australian living in London. Now retired from work as a taxation and pensions lawyer, work that included advising the Australian Labor Party, and several year a trustee of a Union pension fund. I am now support the movement to free Palestine. I have over 50 years of active involvement in the left starting with the anti-Vietnam war movement in Australia. I also worked on the Anti-apartheid campaign and in the early movement for LGBT rights. I am a committed anti-racist and anti-fascist. |
Sabine Karwath | Tyskland | Hi. My name is Bine,44, and I live in a small town in East Germany. Together with my girlfriend and our children. (18,15, 8, 5) I think, that a democratic EU is not an option. It's nessesary! |
Ulrike Köbele | Tyskland | Hi, I'm Ulrike from Germany. I work as a translator for (mostly) middle grade and YA readers and I'm driven by the wish to make this world a better, safer, juster place for everyone. |
Victoria A. E. Kratel | Norge | PhD fellow in Communication and Leadership in Oslo, Norway; member of DiEM25's Oslo Kollektiv; German citizen; member of MERA25 Germany; special interest in feminist policies and a free Palestine. |
Melanie Kutschera | Tyskland | I am an Actress, Translator and aspiring Film and Theatre Maker living in Berlin. I believe in Activism through Art and Change through Action and I know we need big changes in this world |
Mark Langdon | Storbritannien | I am a DIEM25 member living in Glasgow Scotland. I work in the field of Community Education in an HE institution and have a range of activist roles including building a radical municipalism movement across Glasgow. I am keen to support and develop innovative approaches to developing radical democratic citizenship. |
ÓSCAR LOMBA ÁLVAREZ | Spanien | Graduated in Law from the University of Vigo and Graduated in Teaching from the University of Santiago de Compostela. Social activist. I currently work in the Galician Health Service in Vigo (Pontevedra) Galiza. |
Ramona Luczynski | Tyskland | |
Brigitte Makosch | Tyskland | Thank you very much for your trust. I would like to be involved in decisions that require a high degree of integrity. I am 67 years old, have worked in various professions (graphic designer, outpatient care, 3D computer at a car parts supplier, etc.) and have also experienced life abroad (Portugal). I "claim" that I am committed and courageous and have a strong sense of justice, which was also one of the reasons for joining DiEM25 and MERA25, because this is also and especially about justice. Sometimes complex or difficult decisions have to be made, and I feel that my character and life experience enable me to cope with this. After all, everything is discussed and so I believe that a fair decision can always be found in the Validating Council. Carpe diem, greetings in solidarity, Brigitte Translation DeepL |
Silvio Marx | Tyskland | I am a landscape ecologist from Germany and music producer in my off time. |
Asma Mechakra | Schweiz | |
Theocharis Michail | Cypern | Hi all, my name is Theocharis Michail. I am History Teacher in a private school in Nicosia Cyprus. My favorite authors are the late David Graeber, Adam Tooze and Yanis Varoufakis. I will try to do my best to help stop or minimize the creation of a dystopian future. |
Silvia Missaglia | Italien | Hi. I'm Silvia, a 27 years old architect living in Milan. I am very interested in politics, geopolitics and economics also in relation to my architect job. Very happy to help and get more involved in Diem25. |
Marsel Moliko | Grækenland | Hi, I'm Marsel, 31, I live in Athens. I've traveled the world and am currently studying International Relations while working as a technical support agent. As a proud member of DiEM25, I strongly believe that Europe must be democratized to avoid disintegration. |
Ulrike Müller | Tyskland | Medical professional, believing in human rights and international humanitarian law for everybody. |
Mallika Muralidharan | Tyskland | Hi there! I’m a student in Munich, originally from India. I was politically active in my home country, and wish to continue my journey with DiEM25. I am deeply interested in anti-imperialism and justice for the Global South. |
William O'Dwyer | Irland | Hello, my name is William, I am a history student at university. Strong supporter of a more transparent and democratic Europe and a union-wide Green New Deal. Hope to be of help to the movement. |
Dalia Othman | Tyskland | Hallo, Ich bin Dalia, 21 und studiere Soziale Arbeit. Ich komme aus dem Ruhrgebiet. Free Palestine |
Annette Palmieri | Holland | I work in tech, and I want to be an active citizen during these challenging times. Democracy has been taken for granted, and fundamental rights - like the right to protest, or to simply be human - are increasingly at risk. I believe deeply in the principles of DiEM25 and feel it's time for each of us to take a stand. |
Kostas Papazachariou | Storbritannien | |
Heidi Paredes | Portugal | I am a Portuguese resident, feminist activist, originally from Mexico, studied in Germany, lived 23 years in Israel/Palestine, work with civil society organizations. 50 years old. |
Pau Pérez Olmos | Spanien | |
Anja Pflug | Tyskland | |
Kasper Philbert | Danmark | Hi! My name is Kasper. I live in Denmark in a small town called Middelfart, I'm 44 years old and I work as a vocational school teacher. I've always seen myself as a political activist. Since my youth, the environment and inequality have been some of the topics, I've been most into. In the recent years I've been active in XR, a local group fighting for better child care and in the fight for Syrian refugees. I've written to the local and national papers about the topics I care about and arranged two demonstrations for the local refugees. I'm always open to new viewpoints and topics to fight for. Yours Sincerely Kasper Philbert You can read some of my former debate posts here (They are all in Danish;-): Vocational Schools: Syrian Refugees/Local Oil Billionaire: Child Care: |
Μatina Potiri | Grækenland | |
Tonči Radmilović | Kroatien | I am 75 years old retiree. I lean to the left (politically), but I am fully aware of sorry state of the European "left" and everything that sells as left nowdays. |
Gabriel Radwan | Østrig | |
Yiannis Ravanis | Storbritannien | I am a 28 year old Greek living in the UK working in software engineering. |
Sean Reddin | Irland | Hi. I am a 64 year-old man and have travelled, lived and worked all over Europe in various enterprises including a newspaper distribution business in Spain, a boutique in Scotland, construction work in Holland, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Spain and Slovakia and have also been a language teacher in Spain and Italy. Currently I am semi-retired. I am appalled at the way the world is going, particularly with regard to the housing crisis which I feel has mainly been caused by our corporate overlords and their vulture funds moving into every country globally and buying up all the housing stock to rent out at extortionate rents which any worker on an average salary is unable to afford. Add in the likes of AirBnB and you have a recipe for disaster. I feel that current governments are not taking this issue seriously enough as they are in the pockets of the corporate imperialists and soon (if not already) Europe is going to see similar high levels of homelessness as seen on the streets of the USA. That's my rant for today over. |
Sérgio António Reis Sousa | Portugal | |
Ludovico Rella | Italien | Sono un dottorando in Geografia all'Università di Durham, nel Regno Unito, e membro del Partito Laburista. Sono membro di organizzazioni politiche e studentesche dal 2003, e credo fortemente nella costituzione di un fronte politico internazionalista. |
xenia ricart | Storbritannien | |
Linda Richter | Tyskland | 28 year old environmental engineer working in decentralized (waste)water infrastructure, spent my first 18 years in a tiny village in the German countryside then explored what's outside. Kinda here because of the latest book by Vincent Bevens. Amazed by the diversity of the VC and motivated for what's coming! |
Martin Roger | Storbritannien | |
Tuuli Sauren | Tyskland | Hi, I'm Tuuli, Art Director/Activist from Europe, with a cosmopolitan mindset. I believe in engaging local communities, from Europe to Global South, in decision making and giving the population a final say in matters concerning them. I am passionate about indigenous peoples rights to self-determination, their land rights against foreign governments exploitation (through FTA’s and fake climate solutions like Carbon credits) and corporate land grabbing. I believe value creation is not in financial gains, the contrary, it can, and should be measured what value the policy, solution, initiative or project brought to the community. Special causes I care about: implementing people power, freedom of Palestine and fight against corruption and impunity in global scale. Thank you, algorithm, for choosing me. I accept the position with pleasure. |
Nenad Savic | Tyskland | I am Nenad Savic, psychologist live in work in tech in Berlin. I am interested in the effect emerging technologies have on our mental wellbeing and societies. I originally come from the Balkans, so have strong interest how politics develops there and what role do the EU and its institutions play. |
Astrid Schwarz | Tyskland | Ich bin Lehrerin und hoffe mit DiEM25 und MERA25, für die nächste Generation neue und demokratischere Wege offenlegen zu können für eine Welt in der alle und alles (Natürliche) seine Daseinsberechtigung und Würde hat. |
Joris Seibert | Tyskland | I am a physics student from Berlin, interested in maximizing each person’s happiness on this earth. |
Johannes Seidel | Tyskland | Dear fellow members, my name is Johannes Seidel and I´m 35 years old. I currently live in Potsdam (Germany) with my daughter, aged 6. My profession is drumming but at present I earn a living as an assistant to a person with physical disabilities. I am looking for new ideas that concern militant optimism to fight the ghosts of the future. Thank you! |
Cath Sherratt | Storbritannien | |
Jan Sitnikov | Holland | I'm a student =) |
Sarah Streim | Holland | I believe in equity of all and that the current democratic representatives are failing it. I truly believe that DiEM25/MeRA25 are creating the path of true democracy in Europe, and feel thus very honoured to support this unique movement (in a horrifying presence of fascist European), with the best of my capacity. |
Gerry Toner | Storbritannien | |
Alfonso Valero | Spanien | Mis señas de actividad son la investigación social y la Sociología como instrumento de transformación social. DIEM25 es un semillero de ideas para profundizar en la democracia y la participación ciudadana, para emancipar nuestras sociedades victimas de un capitalismo depredador, extractivista y rentista. |
Geert Van Opstal | Holland | Grandfather, 68 years, who believes in a strong Europe, based on solidarity. Themes: basic income for all European citizens, climate, and fair taxes (from income to fortune and of course for the multi nationals). |
Tommaso Maria Verri | Schweiz | |
Laura Vialon | Storbritannien | I am Laura, German national living in the UK (London) since 2019. After having worked in private practice, I came to be a Lecturer by chance, I am now soon embarking on an academic pathway to do my PhD – scrutinising the undemocratic nature of the joint stock company. I feel honoured to be part of the VC and look forward to participating in shaping DiEM25's future. |
Vanja Wüster | Tyskland | Hello, my name is Vanja. I am 45 years old and live in Waldshut, a town in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. I work in finance at a nonprofit organization that provides digital education and mentoring for displaced people and migrants. I am married, and originally come from Bosnia and Herzegovina. |
Kaya Yazgan | Tyrkiet | I live in Ankara, Turkey and took initiative in the Translation and Peace groups of DiEM25. |
Δημήτρης Αγιομυργιαννάκης | Grækenland | |
Πετρούλα Βλαχούτση | Grækenland | |
Θεοδώρα Θεοδωροπούλου | Grækenland | I am Greek and I live in Greece experiencing the economic crisis and the changes in professional rights which are reminiscent of the Middle Ages. From the perspective of trade unionism, I am trying to do my bit so that these rights of ours are not completely abolished. I am present in all struggles for equality and justice. I am a mother of two and I work in the public sector while also teaching English and Spanish. |
Γεωργία Κιρκιλέση | Grækenland | I live in Athens, Greece, 58 years old, veterinarian. DiEM25 and MERA25 are a very interesting experiment, I like being a part of it, hopefully we will have a positive impact on the dark ages we are living in. |
Μαριανέλα Κλώκα | Grækenland | Greek, advocacy on human rights in an greek NGO, co-director in the international press agency for peace and nonviolence, pressenza. |
Κωνσταντίνος Μαρασλής | Grækenland | |
Αντώνης Μελάκης | Grækenland | |
Δημήτρης Μιχαρικόπουλος | Grækenland | I am 55 years old living in Athens, Greece. I an entrepreneur with professional experience and interest on social protection policies and sustainable mobility. I hope that through my participation in DiEM25 I will be able to contribute to the radical change of the EU with social and economic justice, sustainability and social accountability and to the combat against fascism, poverty and oppression of people all over the world. |
Χρήστος Παναγιωτόπουλος | Grækenland | Engineer and researcher with a belief in personal and social autonomy. I used to have a few moments of optimism, thinking that things can get better. |
Κατερίνα Σκινιώτου | Grækenland | I am Caterina Skiniotou, Cat to my family, friends, and fellow travelers. I am bicultural and bilingual, and firmly believe that pluriculturalism and plurilingualism are crucial elements of solidarity and social justice. As a professional I have served Education in a variety of roles in different parts of the world. I joined Diem25 and ΜέΡΑ25 (Greece) about two years ago as I think both, the movement and political party are the best way to campaign against oppression, poverty, injustice, and fascism. |
Χρυσαυγή Χρονοπούλου | Grækenland | My name is Chrysavgi. Ι live in Athens and i work as an accountant. I have been a member of Diem25 and Mera25 since march 2019. I have dealt with trade unionism and i always strive for the human rights. |