

DiEM25 actualment té més de 172000 membres en més de 195 països i territoris. Aquí tens alguns d'ells.


Perquè un altre món no només és possible, sinó que és urgent. I per construir-lo, ens necessitem mútuament, més enllà de qualsevol frontera, lluitant i construint fraternalment un futur que ens emocioni i ens faci orgullosos d'aquest projecte.

‐ Jon E. Illescas

DiEM25 is a chance to mobilise Europeans to reclaim their democracy. For too long we've been told that Europe is the business of technocrats, diplomats and lobbyists. We're going to tell them that to survive, Europe must be the business of democrats.

‐ Samuel Hufton, activist and student of King's College London

I am an experienced farmer. Agriculture and food production & delivery policies are critical for both the environment and human health. Farmers and consumers must have a voice in Europe. We need to raise awareness in Europe. We need a new food plan.

‐ Suzanne Alexander, attivista di base

In this time of increasing authoritarianism, technocratic elitism and "manufactured consent", the only sensible counter-force seems to be a movement for democratisation that transcends artificial borders and gives everybody a voice.

‐ Wessel Reijers, Philosophy Student

Human Rights, Internationalism and e-Democracy.

‐ Brieuc-Yves (Mellouki) Cadat-Lampe, active citizen from Amsterdam #CityMakers

DiEM25 is the only political movement with sober and pragmatic ideas about the future of Europe and the world.

‐ Sam Zamrik, author and political educator in exile.
