Press room
DiEM25 actualment té més de 173000 membres en més de 195 països i territoris. Aquí tens alguns d'ells.
Perquè un altre món no només és possible, sinó que és urgent. I per construir-lo, ens necessitem mútuament, més enllà de qualsevol frontera, lluitant i construint fraternalment un futur que ens emocioni i ens faci orgullosos d'aquest projecte.
‐ Jon E. Illescas
I am a passionate European citizen who has felt truly saddened and disillusioned with the direction that Europe is taking. Diem25 allows all European citizens to have their opinion be really counted and to impact the direction of their Europe.
‐ Ciarán Thornton, grassroots activist
Human Rights, Internationalism and e-Democracy.
‐ Brieuc-Yves (Mellouki) Cadat-Lampe, active citizen from Amsterdam #CityMakers
I trust in self-efficacy and participation based on political education and I fight for a ground-breaking movement towards a united and diverse Europe!
‐ Regina Gruber, Aktivist DSC Wien
I´m for another europe, a democratic europe from below. People must be in focus not the profit
‐ Thomas Mitsch, retail merchant, freelance journalist and book author
While I was reading "Adults in the room", a strong interest in active politics came back to me. I fell in love with this new political vision, combined with precise analytical skills, trust in people, great energy, speed of thought and execution.
‐ Andrea Bolioli