Press room
DiEM25 currently has more than 172000 members in more than 195 countries and territories. Here are some of them.
I am a passionate European citizen who has felt truly saddened and disillusioned with the direction that Europe is taking. Diem25 allows all European citizens to have their opinion be really counted and to impact the direction of their Europe.
‐ Ciarán Thornton, grassroots activist
Bringing what really matters into the public eye
‐ Diogo Costa, local activist
We are very accustomed with the word UPDATE. We update systems onto a daily basis because we want our devices to be efficient. So why not updating our democracies? I see DiEM25 as the latest political operating system. We should embrace it. Download it.
‐ LUCA Dhyano ANGIUS, grassroots activist
DiEM25 presents a new political language, at once progressive, democratic, and rational, committed to Internationalism and the idea of a free and united Europe. We need to act, now more than ever.
‐ Dominik Leusder - writer, political economist.
DIEM25 is important to me because it makes me feel comfortable and in good company in the daily battle for a more egalitarian world.
‐ Furio Barzon, grassroots activist
I hope DiEm can unite all the movements which try to protect the democracy. It would be so important.
‐ Christian Sauter