

DiEM25 are în prezent mai mult de 174000 membri în mai mult de 195 țări și teritorii. Iată câtiva dintre ei.


When the world moves increasingly further to the extreme right, leading to the claim that political correctness is the cause of everything that is going wrong in our societies, we need a progressive movement in Europe as Diem25.

‐ Adrian Corobana, lawyer

Democracy and universality, free flow of information. Dialogue.

‐ Leif Magne Tangen, grassroots activist

I´m for another europe, a democratic europe from below. People must be in focus not the profit

‐ Thomas Mitsch, retail merchant, freelance journalist and book author

DiEM25 presents a powerful, innovative, inclusive, vision to respond to the social, economic, cultural and political crisis that Europe and World are facing today and to expand the hope for a better tomorrow.

‐ Yunus Arikan, expert on climate policies and global governance of sustainability

Because another world is not only possible but urgently necessary. And to build it we all need each other, beyond any frontier, fighting and fraternally building a future that will excite us and make us proud of this project.

‐ Jon E. Illescas

I am a passionate European citizen who has felt truly saddened and disillusioned with the direction that Europe is taking. Diem25 allows all European citizens to have their opinion be really counted and to impact the direction of their Europe.

‐ Ciarán Thornton, grassroots activist
