

DiEM25 are în prezent mai mult de 173000 membri în mai mult de 195 țări și teritorii. Iată câtiva dintre ei.


When I read for 1st.time something about this movement, where Varoufakis has been one of the main arquitects, I met a coincidence between the ideaI I always had of Europe and the principles of DiEM25. I was not alone anymore. Let's build the new Europe.

‐ Domenico D'Eusanio, grassrots activist

Educate yourselves because we'll need all your intelligence. Stir yourselves because we'll need all your enthusiasm. Organize yourselves because we'll need all your strength.

‐ Alberto Nieto. Philosopher, Political Scientist, Activist

DiEM25 presents a new political language, at once progressive, democratic, and rational, committed to Internationalism and the idea of a free and united Europe. We need to act, now more than ever.

‐ Dominik Leusder - writer, political economist.

We are very accustomed with the word UPDATE. We update systems onto a daily basis because we want our devices to be efficient. So why not updating our democracies? I see DiEM25 as the latest political operating system. We should embrace it. Download it.

‐ LUCA Dhyano ANGIUS, grassroots activist

Without a progressive, cohesive and strong liberal Europe we will slip further towards a divisive, introvert, nationalistic Europe. The progressive movement must design and sell a better vision, one that we can all work towards in an organised way.

‐ Clive West, grassroots activist

I am convinced that it is only by acting as citizens at all levels, local, national and international that we will change the European decision making system to include more democracy.

‐ Faugeras Olivier
