Press room
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Because another world is not only possible but urgently necessary. And to build it we all need each other, beyond any frontier, fighting and fraternally building a future that will excite us and make us proud of this project.
‐ Jon E. Illescas
Human Rights, Internationalism and e-Democracy.
‐ Brieuc-Yves (Mellouki) Cadat-Lampe, active citizen from Amsterdam #CityMakers
The European idea has been hijacked by technocratic powers that have little accountability to the people of Europe. We need to re-establish the idea of a Europe of people, rather than a mere monetary and economic block.
‐ Luca Budello, grassroots activist
I´m for another europe, a democratic europe from below. People must be in focus not the profit
‐ Thomas Mitsch, retail merchant, freelance journalist and book author
Democracy and universality, free flow of information. Dialogue.
‐ Leif Magne Tangen, grassroots activist
Without a progressive, cohesive and strong liberal Europe we will slip further towards a divisive, introvert, nationalistic Europe. The progressive movement must design and sell a better vision, one that we can all work towards in an organised way.
‐ Clive West, grassroots activist