DiEM25 har i øjeblikket mere end 174000 medlemmer i mere end 195 lande. Her er nogle af dem.
The dream of a Europe unit, as suggested by Spinelli, Schuman, Adenauer, De Gasperi and the other founding fathers can not and must not be broken. We are living difficult times but right now we have to rediscover the value of being together.
‐ CARLO ALBANESE,I am a doctor of economics, active on environmental issues and the green economy
I am a passionate European citizen who has felt truly saddened and disillusioned with the direction that Europe is taking. Diem25 allows all European citizens to have their opinion be really counted and to impact the direction of their Europe.
‐ Ciarán Thornton, grassroots activist
In this time of increasing authoritarianism, technocratic elitism and "manufactured consent", the only sensible counter-force seems to be a movement for democratisation that transcends artificial borders and gives everybody a voice.
‐ Wessel Reijers, Philosophy Student
I am an experienced farmer. Agriculture and food production & delivery policies are critical for both the environment and human health. Farmers and consumers must have a voice in Europe. We need to raise awareness in Europe. We need a new food plan.
‐ Suzanne Alexander, attivista di base
I trust in self-efficacy and participation based on political education and I fight for a ground-breaking movement towards a united and diverse Europe!
‐ Regina Gruber, Aktivist DSC Wien
Bringing what really matters into the public eye
‐ Diogo Costa, local activist