Press room
DiEM25 currently has more than 173000 members in more than 195 countries and territories. Here are some of them.
I trust in self-efficacy and participation based on political education and I fight for a ground-breaking movement towards a united and diverse Europe!
‐ Regina Gruber, Aktivist DSC Wien
Human Rights, Internationalism and e-Democracy.
‐ Brieuc-Yves (Mellouki) Cadat-Lampe, active citizen from Amsterdam #CityMakers
Democracy and universality, free flow of information. Dialogue.
‐ Leif Magne Tangen, grassroots activist
The dream of a Europe unit, as suggested by Spinelli, Schuman, Adenauer, De Gasperi and the other founding fathers can not and must not be broken. We are living difficult times but right now we have to rediscover the value of being together.
‐ CARLO ALBANESE,I am a doctor of economics, active on environmental issues and the green economy
I´m for another europe, a democratic europe from below. People must be in focus not the profit
‐ Thomas Mitsch, retail merchant, freelance journalist and book author
Without a progressive, cohesive and strong liberal Europe we will slip further towards a divisive, introvert, nationalistic Europe. The progressive movement must design and sell a better vision, one that we can all work towards in an organised way.
‐ Clive West, grassroots activist