

DiEM25 trenutno ima više od 172000 članova u više od 195 zemalja i teritorija. Ovdje su neki od njih:


Because I am convinced that the important matters, as human rights, the fair distribution of wealth, environment and consumer protection or military safety, can only be handled in an efficient and self-determined way by a united Europe.

‐ Michael Demuth, Lawyer

We are very accustomed with the word UPDATE. We update systems onto a daily basis because we want our devices to be efficient. So why not updating our democracies? I see DiEM25 as the latest political operating system. We should embrace it. Download it.

‐ LUCA Dhyano ANGIUS, grassroots activist

DiEM25 presents a new political language, at once progressive, democratic, and rational, committed to Internationalism and the idea of a free and united Europe. We need to act, now more than ever.

‐ Dominik Leusder - writer, political economist.

Human Rights, Internationalism and e-Democracy.

‐ Brieuc-Yves (Mellouki) Cadat-Lampe, active citizen from Amsterdam #CityMakers

Democracy is my god, and equality is my Jesus.

‐ Petar Hršak, activist

Democracy and universality, free flow of information. Dialogue.

‐ Leif Magne Tangen, grassroots activist
