

DiEM25 trenutno ima više od 174000 članova u više od 195 zemalja i teritorija. Ovdje su neki od njih:


Without a progressive, cohesive and strong liberal Europe we will slip further towards a divisive, introvert, nationalistic Europe. The progressive movement must design and sell a better vision, one that we can all work towards in an organised way.

‐ Clive West, grassroots activist

Human Rights, Internationalism and e-Democracy.

‐ Brieuc-Yves (Mellouki) Cadat-Lampe, active citizen from Amsterdam #CityMakers

In this time of increasing authoritarianism, technocratic elitism and "manufactured consent", the only sensible counter-force seems to be a movement for democratisation that transcends artificial borders and gives everybody a voice.

‐ Wessel Reijers, Philosophy Student

Democracy is my god, and equality is my Jesus.

‐ Petar Hršak, activist

The challenges we face know no borders, so neither should our solutions to them. DiEM25 offers an uncompromising and honest path towards a future we can aspire too.

‐ Erik Edman, grassroots activist

DiEM25 is the only political movement with sober and pragmatic ideas about the future of Europe and the world.

‐ Sam Zamrik, author and political educator in exile.
