Prostor za novinare
DiEM25 trenutno ima više od 172000 članova u više od 195 zemalja i teritorija. Ovdje su neki od njih:
Without a progressive, cohesive and strong liberal Europe we will slip further towards a divisive, introvert, nationalistic Europe. The progressive movement must design and sell a better vision, one that we can all work towards in an organised way.
‐ Clive West, grassroots activist
DiEM25 presents a powerful, innovative, inclusive, vision to respond to the social, economic, cultural and political crisis that Europe and World are facing today and to expand the hope for a better tomorrow.
‐ Yunus Arikan, expert on climate policies and global governance of sustainability
Democracy is my god, and equality is my Jesus.
‐ Petar Hršak, activist
The dream of a Europe unit, as suggested by Spinelli, Schuman, Adenauer, De Gasperi and the other founding fathers can not and must not be broken. We are living difficult times but right now we have to rediscover the value of being together.
‐ CARLO ALBANESE,I am a doctor of economics, active on environmental issues and the green economy
Because I am convinced that the important matters, as human rights, the fair distribution of wealth, environment and consumer protection or military safety, can only be handled in an efficient and self-determined way by a united Europe.
‐ Michael Demuth, Lawyer
Human Rights, Internationalism and e-Democracy.
‐ Brieuc-Yves (Mellouki) Cadat-Lampe, active citizen from Amsterdam #CityMakers