

DiEM25 currently has more than 174000 members in more than 195 countries and territories. Here are some of them.


DiEM25 is a chance to mobilise Europeans to reclaim their democracy. For too long we've been told that Europe is the business of technocrats, diplomats and lobbyists. We're going to tell them that to survive, Europe must be the business of democrats.

‐ Samuel Hufton, activist and student of King's College London

Human Rights, Internationalism and e-Democracy.

‐ Brieuc-Yves (Mellouki) Cadat-Lampe, active citizen from Amsterdam #CityMakers

Educate yourselves because we'll need all your intelligence. Stir yourselves because we'll need all your enthusiasm. Organize yourselves because we'll need all your strength.

‐ Alberto Nieto. Philosopher, Political Scientist, Activist

Made Europe, we must make europeans.

‐ Anita Likmeta

When the world moves increasingly further to the extreme right, leading to the claim that political correctness is the cause of everything that is going wrong in our societies, we need a progressive movement in Europe as Diem25.

‐ Adrian Corobana, lawyer

The European idea has been hijacked by technocratic powers that have little accountability to the people of Europe. We need to re-establish the idea of a Europe of people, rather than a mere monetary and economic block.

‐ Luca Budello, grassroots activist
