Tiskové středisko
DiEM25 má v současnosti více než 172000 členů ve více než 195 zemích. Tady jsou někteří z nich.
Zavedené (tradiční) politické strany neusilují o demokratisaci Evropské unie. A i pokud ve svém programu něco podobného deklarují, žádná strana nevykazuje skutečné úsilí o institucionální změny nezbytné k tomu, aby se občané s EU skutečně ztotožňovali.
‐ Jan Kopecký (Vídeň/Praha)
I hope DiEm can unite all the movements which try to protect the democracy. It would be so important.
‐ Christian Sauter
DiEM25 is a chance to mobilise Europeans to reclaim their democracy. For too long we've been told that Europe is the business of technocrats, diplomats and lobbyists. We're going to tell them that to survive, Europe must be the business of democrats.
‐ Samuel Hufton, activist and student of King's College London
I am a passionate European citizen who has felt truly saddened and disillusioned with the direction that Europe is taking. Diem25 allows all European citizens to have their opinion be really counted and to impact the direction of their Europe.
‐ Ciarán Thornton, grassroots activist
DIEM25 is important to me because it makes me feel comfortable and in good company in the daily battle for a more egalitarian world.
‐ Furio Barzon, grassroots activist
We are very accustomed with the word UPDATE. We update systems onto a daily basis because we want our devices to be efficient. So why not updating our democracies? I see DiEM25 as the latest political operating system. We should embrace it. Download it.
‐ LUCA Dhyano ANGIUS, grassroots activist