Tiskové středisko
DiEM25 má v současnosti více než 173000 členů ve více než 195 zemích. Tady jsou někteří z nich.
Zavedené (tradiční) politické strany neusilují o demokratisaci Evropské unie. A i pokud ve svém programu něco podobného deklarují, žádná strana nevykazuje skutečné úsilí o institucionální změny nezbytné k tomu, aby se občané s EU skutečně ztotožňovali.
‐ Jan Kopecký (Vídeň/Praha)
DiEM25 is the only political movement with sober and pragmatic ideas about the future of Europe and the world.
‐ Sam Zamrik, author and political educator in exile.
When I read for 1st.time something about this movement, where Varoufakis has been one of the main arquitects, I met a coincidence between the ideaI I always had of Europe and the principles of DiEM25. I was not alone anymore. Let's build the new Europe.
‐ Domenico D'Eusanio, grassrots activist
DiEM25 presents a new political language, at once progressive, democratic, and rational, committed to Internationalism and the idea of a free and united Europe. We need to act, now more than ever.
‐ Dominik Leusder - writer, political economist.
Made Europe, we must make europeans.
‐ Anita Likmeta
When the world moves increasingly further to the extreme right, leading to the claim that political correctness is the cause of everything that is going wrong in our societies, we need a progressive movement in Europe as Diem25.
‐ Adrian Corobana, lawyer